

If you want to submit your stuff, just send it to this email address: We accept mostly literary works - poems and stories - and maybe a few feature articles. Read the guidelines below before submitting. (Please note that in most cases works submitted by email will be published online, not in the magazine.)

  1. Use a proper subject title. If you're sending in Poems/Stories it should be Literature, if a features article, Features, Photos - Photos, Artworks(Comics)- Artworks, etc.

  2. Send in your best, only. Not all submissions can be published. This especially applies to photos. So send in your best works, not your whole collection.

  3. Include your name, year, and section. Anonymous submissions will be disregarded.

  4. No news articles, please. Only staff members can write news articles as there are separate guidelines for writing news articles.

  5. Features articles should coincide with the current theme. The theme will be posted on the homepage.

  6. Submit on time.We need 10 days for picking out submissions, proof-reading them, and fitting them in one magazine. Be sure to submit them by the date of submission (found on the same post the theme will be). Late submissions will be disregarded, or stored for the next issue. (this guideline is for those hoping to make it to the printed issue).

  7. No spam. We only need one email for every submission you make. Multiple emails for the same thing will result in a disregarded submission and a blocked email account.

  8. Be original. Submit works that are yours, and not copied from the internet or from other people. Plagiarism IS a crime.

  9. No inappropriate works. No profanity, sexual content, etc.

  10. and most of all,
  11. Keep Writing. Don't be discouraged if we don't include your work. There's always another chance. We love to see your works!